Raktamoksha therapy is one of the Panchakarmas of Ayurveda. Literally meaning Blood letting, Raktamoksha is performed to eliminate the toxins from the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract. It is a secure, painless and highly effective form of Panchakarma. Raktamoksha entails the refinement of blood, hence administered to treat disorders pertaining to skin, such as urticaria, rash, eczema, acne, scabies, leucoderma, chronic itching and hives. Enlarged liver, spleen, hemochromatosis and gout will additionally be cured by applying the blood letting therapy. The therapy develops the immune mechanism within the blood system by stimulating the nontoxic substances in the blood stream. Barring a few exceptions such as folks suffering from anemia, edema, weakness or those who are too young or too recent, everybody can opt for Raktamoksha therapy.


The disintegration of red blood cells in the liver leads to the formation of pitta. Since pitta and blood are closely linked to every alternative, any imbalance between the two can cause diseases related to blood.
For instance, increase in pitta causes toxicity in the blood, thus giving method to numerous pitta-genic disorders. Here comes the use of Raktamoksha therapy. In such cases, if a small amount of blood is extracted from the vein, a lot of tension will be relieved that was created by the pitta-genic toxins prevalent within the blood. Moreover, the process of blood letting stimulates the spleen in order to produce anti-toxic substances that can help the stimulation of immune system of the body. Thus, Raktamoksha therapy cures a number of blood-borne diseases.

Diseases Treated By Raktamoksha Therapy

Raktamoksha Therapy is performed to treat a number of diseases together with symptom, eczema, gout, herpes and jaundice. People suffering from Leucoderma and piles are usually suggested to opt for Raktamoskha therapy. It is learnt that various types of skin diseases will be easily cured by proper administration of Raktamoksha therapy. Various Ayurvedic practitioners recommend folks to prefer for Raktamoksha therapy, if they are suffering from syncope and ulcer.

Two types of Raktamokshan therapy

Shastra Prayoga

Pracchana: In order to drain the accumulated blood from a particular point of the body, Pracchana is administered.

Sira Vedhana: Also termed as Venepuncture, Sira Vedhana is devised whenever vitiated blood circulates in the body.

Anushastra Prayoga

Jalouka Prayoga: During Jalouka Prayoga, leech is applied to extract deep-seated blood. By doing this, the blood vitiated by pitta is extracted efficiently.

Sringa: Sringa or horn is used to extract the blood vitiated by vata.

Alabu: Blood vitiated by kapha can be extracted by Alabu, as it comprises of tikshna and ushna gunas.

Ghati Yantra: If the vitiated blood has settled in different layers of the skin, then the best bet would be to administer Ghati Yantra, another form of Raktamoksha therapy.

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